November 12, 2015 by Bruce Mentzer
According to Nielsen’s 2nd Quarter Total Audience Report, Adults 18+ watch over 32 hours of TV/cable (live or time shifted) per week, or about 52% of their entire weekly media consumption. Basic AM/FM radio listening accounts for another 12 hours of their media time per week – or 20% of the total. Combined, conventional TV, cable and radio account for a full 73% of all media consumed. As you may guess, these numbers for traditional media would be even higher with an older, more likely voter demographic.
Yes the numbers are climbing for PC and mobile consumption – but they are still a relatively small share of the total pie. Nielsen says that use of apps and/or web on smartphones command 7 hours of an adult’s media time per week. Internet surfing on a PC takes another 5 hours of their time. Watching video on a smartphone came in at 15 minutes per week – or less than 1% of total media consumption. Combined, internet, phone and other device media consumption totaled 26% of all consumption. (Obviously, the web/internet/smartphone usage numbers are higher with a younger capped age demographic audience).
Of all screen video viewing – TV, internet or mobile – traditional TV still commands 95% of all the time spent watching news or the favorite shows of the average person 18+.
While digital vendors may say that their targeting is more precise, TV is catching up fast with the advent, a few years ago, of matching actual set-top-box viewing data with voter files for more precise targeting.
The key to any successful media plan is the proper mix of media elements to reach your specific target audience. Make sure to investigate all thoroughly.